How to Deal with Frequent Power Surges

How to Deal with Frequent Power Surges

January 30, 2022

We use electricity in almost everything we do in our daily lives. Without it, we would not be able to turn on the lights in our houses or charge our phones. The invention of electricity has allowed our population to evolve greatly. Knowing the importance of electricity, we wouldn’t want something bad like a power surge to affect its performance and even worse, risk our lives.

A power surge is an unexpected increase in voltage. It can happen when the flow of power is interrupted and sent back to the system or when a sudden external or internal force sends a large amount of voltage to the system.

Causes of a Power Surge

There are several causes that lead to a power surge. Below are some of the causes:

  • Electrical Overload: When too many devices are plugged into one circuit, the collective power of all devices can be overwhelming and cause a massive voltage spike, which leads to a power surge.
  • Faulty Wiring: It’s not easy to detect faulty wiring, but you can look out for some signs that can indicate if there is one. Burning smells and marks, buzzing sounds, and circuits tripping can be indications of faulty wiring. If you want to be sure, you can call for an electrical inspection.
  • Lightning Strike: If lightning comes in contact with power lines, it can cause a severe increase in voltage. During storms, be sure to unplug any devices without surge protection.
  • Power Outage: The power outage itself may cause no harm, but when power returns, the sudden return of energy can be shocking and can cause a power surge.

How To Stay Away from A Power Surge

Power surges carry thousands of volts through your wiring. That can cause you to fry your computer, burn kitchen appliances, take out power switches, and if powerful enough, cause a fire. Knowing the causes of a power surge can help you prevent it from happening. Since you know that having many devices plugged into the same circuit at the same time can be harmful, you can refrain from doing so. Having surge protection on devices like your TV will also be helpful in case an unexpected power surge happens. While we can control some factors in our environment, we certainly cannot control all. Lightning cannot get prevented from hitting a power line, but we can take certain precautions like unplugging everything during a storm to make sure unnecessary harm is prevented. If something gets harmed even after these precautions, feel free to call an emergency electrician at Mr. Electric of Dallas to check up on your power surge.

What To Do After a Power Surge

  • Reset and unplug all devices if the surge has caused a power outage. Once unplugged, reset the circuit breaker.
  • Check for any damage done by going through your home and checking all electronics and appliances. Turn your devices on and off and check if everything is in order. You may want additional electrical inspection if necessary.
  • Call an electrician and have them inspect for any damage done to your HVAC system. Have them reset the system according to the manufacturer’s instructions.